Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Who will you be?

Was thinking the other day
About when this life comes to an end
When will that be...and who will I be then

Will I still be the girl
Who didn't always speak her mind
Who couldn't say what she felt
Deep down inside

Maybe this life
Is just a test run
For something much better
A time for us to have fun?

I don't think it's about
All the people you date
How cool you were in high school
And who you could afford to hate

It's about who you changed
Who will remember you?
Not for how you looked or dressed
But for when to yourself you were true

It's about who you loved
With everything you posessed
It's about whose curses you ignored
And by doing so, who you blessed

It's all about the way you cared
For everyone and everything
It's about forgetting your hurt
When you're broken, you still sing

So as I was thinking
I realized who I want to be
Someone whose always remembered
For never compromising "me".


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