Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Real Thing

It's a funny word, isn't it? It can mean so very many different things. How we live today, the world gives us so many definitions for love. It tells us love is physical. Find someone beautiful, someone you can be proud of and show off to your friends, that's love. It tells us love is commerical. Wear this cologne or perfume, buy these clothes, have this color hair - people will love you. But what it doesn't tell us is the truth. It doesn't tell us that real love is neither commercial or physical, not at all. Real love isn't about how gorgeous someone is, the type of clothes they wear, what others think. Real love isn't even about the attraction you feel to someone. Real love is so much beyond that. It is commitment, caring, and more than anything - forgiveness. Love knows no boundaries, love is gentle, kind and caring. True love is the kind that no matter how bad you mess up, the one who loves you will always be there waiting for you with open arms. That's what true love is really about - second chances, neverending forgiveness and if you find that, hold onto it.


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