Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Second Chances

"I'm sorry.."
She says, her pain apparent now
As she pleads for forgiveness again

Comes from his lips
He sits speechless through her confession

"Could it be true..."
He thinks in his mind
Wondering, how did it come down to this

"I mean it this time..."
She cries as she stares
At what once was only hers

"Does she mean it this time..."
He thinks as he stares
At what was once all that he cared for.

"I want you back."
She says through her tears
The words echo repeatedly in her head.

"Why would I take her back?"
He thinks as he sits
Trying to take in what she just said.

"Can't you see I need you?"
She tries to say these words
But she can't manage to get them out.

"She's playing games again."
He convinces himself
Yet he wants to believe her, without any doubt.

So it comes down to this.
They both want the same thing
But it's so hard to let go of the past.

It comes down to this.
Can forgiveness be given...
Will this apology be her last?


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