Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Inside the mind

"How do I make this right?"
She silently hopes that he'll listen.
"How can she make this right?"
He wonders as he hears her confession.
"If only he would forgive me..."
She thinks and she sighs, at the thought of what could have been.
"I want to forgive her..."
He realizes, stunned, after everything that he's seen.
"If only I could turn back the clock..."
She cries as she hopes against hope she won't be alone.
"We can't turn back time..."
He thinks with a sigh, as her tears and mistakes come undone.
"I need you though..."
She silently realizes, wishing she could put that into words.
"Why won't she say she needs me?"
He wonders as he thinks that all she's said is becoming a blur.
"Please take me back..."
She buries her face and cries, wanting to drown with her tears.
"I wish I could take her back..."
He thinks as he falls apart, knowing she has confronted his fears.
"Forgive me, forgive me..."
She pleads with him over and over, hoping he'll say that he does.
"Should I forgive her?"
He wonders, and thinks...could this really be love?

If you love someone, tell them.
It's never too late, for one last confession.
Otherwise, you'll never know.
What you might be missing.


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