Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Exchange of Hearts - Music Trip 06

Exchange of Hearts

I cleared my throat and looked around
Guess it's her and me, time to talk
"How'd you like our music?" I ask
To the lady who cannot even walk

She didn't say a single word
But grabbed my hand and smiled
She held my soul in that moment too
As I tried desperately to meet her eye

The man beside me looked at me
As if I'd lost my mind
She can't talk, she won't, his gaze seemed to say
In her, what do you expect to find?

And what indeed, in this woman sitting there
Patting my hand, but truly holding my heart
My eyes welled up with tears right then
I felt my emotions tearing apart

She tried to talk to me, she moved her lips
But she couldn't utter a sound
So I sat there, tears streaming down my face
As I stayed rock still in my spot on the ground

I wondered who her family was, this lady in blue
Did they ever come to see her and cry?
What was her story, this lady holding my hand
Why did her smile make me want to die

I felt so out of place, sitting there on the ground
Why was I crying, look at her, I should be strong
Then I realized, it's the other way around
I knew that I had got it all wrong

She was the strong one, to sit there and smile
Comforting me as I cried out those tears
She understood me, though she could not say it
And suddenly I understood her, no matter the difference of years

I realized what I could find, from this woman in blue
I could find patience, ever loving care
No matter that she was cooped up in a home
When I was crying, she was still smiling there

So I got up to go, leaving a little bit of my heart with her
And I was leaving with a new lesson learned
When I looked back, I saw one single tear on her cheek
And I smiled then, for I knew I'd given something to her

Last week junior music went up to Osoyoos, Salmon Arm, and Penticton for 4 days. It was really a great tour, we performed well, and it was an amazing experience. When we were there we visited 3 care homes and sang/played for the residents. Afterwards we walked around and talked to them for a bit. It was truly one of the most awakening and incredible experiences I've ever had - this one lady I talked to made me realize how blessed I am, and also how selfish too, unfortunately. Even if I think about all the kids in far away countries, or the people in care homes, how often do I DO something about it? Not often enough. So I made a promise that I'm going to more often, because sometimes all they need is a friend - someone who cares about them. "And what you do unto the least of these, my brotheren, you do it for me."


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