Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Live for Today, Dream for Eternity

Tears fall down my cheeks
Over what used to be
The memories linger behind
Of when there was a "you and me"

These things cause me to take a step back
To look at what I've lived and what I've had
I always complain, my days are always 'just alright'
But really, what has made my life so bad?

I cry over things, so small and unimportant
I don't laugh as much as I should
I forget who I'm living for, where I'm going
I don't try to understand those that I could

Then I saw something that reminded me
Of how I should be living my life
I read the story of a girl, dead at 17
Who never got to have kids, to be a wife

Her life slipped away, just like that, she's gone
She never got to do so many things
But she believed, she lived her life for You
And now she's in Heaven, she sings

'Cause if I don't believe, God
Then why should I keep living?
Where would I go when I was gone
To whom would I be loving and giving?

So reality hit me, and it hit me hard
I need to love and live without regret
Make a difference, bring a smile to people's faces
Be someone that they won't forget

But instead, when I'm gone, they'll smile and say
Look at how happy she was!
She wasn't concerned with the world's lies and those things
But instead she lived a life full of love

Thank you God for reminders, for this webpage that showed me what it really means to live each day like its your last. No matter what struggles I have in this world, you have overcome the world. I don't deserve your grace, but you give it to me, and so I accept it, freely. Praise be to God, for all you've done. Check out this webpage, maybe it will inspire you too >>>
Click on " A letter to my Daughter", inspirational and moving.

So here's to living each day like it was my last. Thank you, Jesus.


At 8:04 PM, Blogger beim said...

Nicely done.


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