Monday, October 24, 2005

Remember when...

"I've heard that before..."
You utter these words.
My heart, in return
Skips a few beats

Remember, remember...
I silently plead
Maybe you haven't really forgotten
What I used to mean

The days when I mattered
The days when you used to care
You erased my memory
Replaced me in your life...

But I can tell just by looking
You still remember
You think of how it once was
You still think of what was there

If you'd only let me
I'd come back into that place
In your heart, where I used to be
If only you'd let me, I'd never erase
All that you still mean to me

So next time you look at me
And say "I remember..."
I'll wish that you really do
Hope against hope that what you remember
Is the memory of me and you...


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