Wednesday, August 31, 2005


So we talked all night about everything
From boys and hair colors
To our rapidly changing dreams
Reassuring each other that it wasn't that bad
And that yes, of course he does love you
We cried with each other when we felt sad
From watching movies all night long
Or walking to the corner store
We've been through it all, my friend
And I know we'll be through tons more
I could go on forever about the memories we've shared
The good laughs we always have, the fun times
And always knowing, we've found a friend that cares
I could even recall the occaisonial fight
When we yell, we lie, we get mad
But then forgive each other the same night
But the important thing, my friend
Is not all the places we've been
It's not all the funny laugh-your-ass-off moments
It's not even our shared love of ice cream
The important thing is we are there for each other
And we always will be, till the end
We share, we cry, we care for each other
Thats why you're my best friend.

To my bestest - Thanks for being there for me, through everything. I don't deserve a friend like you.


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