Friday, October 21, 2005

Why did I let you go...

"You lost your chance."
This is what I hear.
From everyone who knows about you.
"You know, he's moved on."
Is all they say.
I'm starting to believe that it's true.
So all these tears.
That I have cried for you.
I guess they all add up to nothing.
I mean, it's over right?
Why try to look back?
Everyone says I should move on with my life.

Yet...I don't want to.
I stand here and refuse.
I won't let you go, not again.
Sure, you don't love me now.
But maybe someday you will...
I guess I'll try to live for that chance.
Everyday I see you, I smile a little
Yes, my heart still starts to pound
Everytime I'm without you
I fall apart just a little
Without you I'm always alone

I heard somewhere that you never know
How much you love someone till you lose them
I never could have imagined
How that would ring true
Until I realized that you were gone.
And just like that, all this love that I felt
Took me away in a storm
You never know...
I guess I never really did.
But now, I know that I do.
I know how much I loved, and how much I lost.
I know how much I really need you.


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