Monday, May 01, 2006

Never-fading Memories

For Jo and Share - Thanks for sharing your "Poppa" with me over the years...I'll never forget him, and all of the memories - and I know you won't either. Love Kris

Never-Fading Memories

These memories begin in a house in White Rock,

Painting eggs on Easter throughout the years.

Lying in their hammock in the sun, and when we fell off,

They’d dry all of our tears.

Their home was a safe haven for us in our childhood,

My “second” Grandparents who let us do all we could do

Their love was always there, steady, unfailing

They were always caring, always true.

But things had to change, and some began to fade away

As the years went on

The pictures grow torn and tattered at the edges

We are reminded we must be strong.

And finally, the loss came, the crying the pain

As it was time for goodbyes

The memories are still there, strong and unchanging

No matter the tears that we cry.

So what now, when life has changed so much,

And it seems the pain won’t go away?

How do we carry on, live life without him,

Get up and live through each day?

We have to remember, even if it hurts

Remember the pain and the love

So cry as you remember, but laugh a little too

As you think of what the memories are of.

He was an amazing father, friend, grandpa, and husband

Who gave so much to all those he knew

So remember the love, and even the pain

As you think of how much he loved you.


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