Monday, May 15, 2006

Sad. Very.

Well, haven't posted anything in a while...this is from my other blog..but it makes you(or at least me) think about screwed up a lot of this world is. So I figured I'd put it on here...I'll write more on it later. Just think about it, that's all...even for a second..

Want to hear something sad?

1,377 teenagers become mothers
1,106 teenage girls get an abortion
500 adolescents begin using drugs
4,219 teenagers get a sexually transmitted disease
1,000 adolescents begin drinking alcohol
3,610 teens are assulted
80 are raped
2,861 teens drop out of school
420 children are arrested for drug abuse
5,388 youth are arrested
6 teens commit suicide..
E v e r y d a y
Every. SINGLE. day.

That Is sad.


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