Thursday, June 30, 2005


It seemed rather absurd. Was this the guy I'd grown up with, I'd trounced (or been trounced by) in snowball fights? The one I had spent all 14 years of my life with...and graduating? I think what shocked me more than the fact that he was graduating was the fact that I would be too, sooner than I thought! That was what scared me, scared me because I realised that I didn't have all the time in the world, to do everything I wanted to do. What I thought of as I watched the grads, in their best, glowing from head to toe, was where will I fit with them? Will I be in the athletic group, the one who served the winning serve in that voleyball game? Will I be on that stage for the biggest drama performance, and pull it off? Will I be remembered as hitting the high notes in my choir solo? What I came to realise, is no matter what I do, as much as I want to be remembered for living out those dreams, those will eventually fade away. When my classmates grow old and gray they won't remember my game winning serve, my drama performance, or me hitting the high notes...what they will remember is those I helped and those I hindered along the way. So what I have decided is it's not what I accomplish by grade 12, or by the end of my life, but it's how I accomplished it, and the people that got me there. It's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game, I suppose...and how you play the game includes the moments you stand on the sidelines and cheer on your friends, the moments you help up those who have fallen and make up for the hit you made on the one who fell...because thats what will be remembered.

The Morning after the Night...

Grad. A funny word really, because it describes such a greater emotion, a larger time, a more wonderful moment...then those four letters can express. Think about it like a book, where one chapter has come to a close and another is beginning. Isn't that all our lives are really, is a book? How we live and affect people only depends on whether we let them take their turn in writing our story, trust them with the pages of our life. Last night at my brother's grad, as I stared up at those one hundred some of his graduating class standing at the front of the church, I realized something. Life passes you by so quickly, so suddenly, that you don't even realize it's going as you watch the moments and years fly by. My brother? Graduating?