Friday, September 23, 2005


I can't take it.
It's my birthday tommorow.
Nothing could get worse!

I'm so incredibly tired/sick.
I need to clean my tack for tommorow. And probably won't.
I need to sleep in and I can't. Not this whole weekend.
I should be in bed.
I have a riding test this weekend. I'm freaked. I wanna pass. I haven't reviewed my stable management yet.
I didn't make the volleyball team, I'm managing, they put some grade 8 chick on instead now...umm WTF!
I quite honestly have no clue what I'm doing. With everything
It seems like, everyone I care about I hurt. And they hurt me back. I don't get it.
I don't know what to choose/do sometimes...trying to do the right thing, mixed with what I want to do, mixed with what others expect...
I hate in when you think you're over someone and your not.
I hate it when you think they're over you, you MOVE ON, and then they're not.
I hate it when I don't know what to do!
I hate hurting people. I hate it. I do it way too much.
I also hate ABSOLUTELY NOT KNOWING WHAT TO DO! Do you not hurt anyone, and by doing that lie to yourself? Or are you not lying to yourself, but being true, and lying to everyone else? I DUN'T EVEN KNOW!

So after reading over this list, I came to only one conclusion. I am hopeless. There is nooo way, I can worry/fix all of this! So I give it up. All of it. ALL OF IT! To you God. You come first, you help me fix it...I can't handle it...thank you for taking things like this away.

Love Krissi