Friday, March 31, 2006

When the lights go down...

So one more performance of the play and then it's over.
Crazy, absolutely crazy, how fast this year has gone. 'Tis already April..almost. Wow.
It makes me kinda sad in a way, when I think about how fast it's all going by...and how many things
I would have liked to do...would still like to do...I guess time just keeps going faster. Shows we have to live with no regrets, live out our lives the best we can.

When the Lights Go Down

"Five minutes till showtime!"
You can hear them shout
Your mind swirls, your head spins
You swallow your fear and step out

Under the lights, unto the stage
Where everyone can see
Out of the shadows, you being to realize
"Wow, they're all looking at me..."

You feel the pressure
Your heart racing, pounding in your ears
And you love it, as you knew you would
You can make the audience shed a few tears

So this is your time
To step out into the light
To shine like the bright star you are
And put up a good hard fight

Too bad there is no five minute call
When God wants us to come on stage
Too bad we never know when we'll get called up
Regardless of our health or our age

We never seem to swallow our fears
And walk out into our life, our stage
We often don't remember our lines
We forget to be strong, to be brave

We talk backstage, we whisper
We stay in the back, out of sight
We aren't brave enough to play our part
To step out of the shadows, into the light

For if we could do that, could perform our play
That God helps us rehearse throughout the years
We could make a difference, change someone's heart
Make our audience even shed a few tears