Wednesday, August 31, 2005


So we talked all night about everything
From boys and hair colors
To our rapidly changing dreams
Reassuring each other that it wasn't that bad
And that yes, of course he does love you
We cried with each other when we felt sad
From watching movies all night long
Or walking to the corner store
We've been through it all, my friend
And I know we'll be through tons more
I could go on forever about the memories we've shared
The good laughs we always have, the fun times
And always knowing, we've found a friend that cares
I could even recall the occaisonial fight
When we yell, we lie, we get mad
But then forgive each other the same night
But the important thing, my friend
Is not all the places we've been
It's not all the funny laugh-your-ass-off moments
It's not even our shared love of ice cream
The important thing is we are there for each other
And we always will be, till the end
We share, we cry, we care for each other
Thats why you're my best friend.

To my bestest - Thanks for being there for me, through everything. I don't deserve a friend like you.

Inside the mind

"How do I make this right?"
She silently hopes that he'll listen.
"How can she make this right?"
He wonders as he hears her confession.
"If only he would forgive me..."
She thinks and she sighs, at the thought of what could have been.
"I want to forgive her..."
He realizes, stunned, after everything that he's seen.
"If only I could turn back the clock..."
She cries as she hopes against hope she won't be alone.
"We can't turn back time..."
He thinks with a sigh, as her tears and mistakes come undone.
"I need you though..."
She silently realizes, wishing she could put that into words.
"Why won't she say she needs me?"
He wonders as he thinks that all she's said is becoming a blur.
"Please take me back..."
She buries her face and cries, wanting to drown with her tears.
"I wish I could take her back..."
He thinks as he falls apart, knowing she has confronted his fears.
"Forgive me, forgive me..."
She pleads with him over and over, hoping he'll say that he does.
"Should I forgive her?"
He wonders, and thinks...could this really be love?

If you love someone, tell them.
It's never too late, for one last confession.
Otherwise, you'll never know.
What you might be missing.

Second Chances

"I'm sorry.."
She says, her pain apparent now
As she pleads for forgiveness again

Comes from his lips
He sits speechless through her confession

"Could it be true..."
He thinks in his mind
Wondering, how did it come down to this

"I mean it this time..."
She cries as she stares
At what once was only hers

"Does she mean it this time..."
He thinks as he stares
At what was once all that he cared for.

"I want you back."
She says through her tears
The words echo repeatedly in her head.

"Why would I take her back?"
He thinks as he sits
Trying to take in what she just said.

"Can't you see I need you?"
She tries to say these words
But she can't manage to get them out.

"She's playing games again."
He convinces himself
Yet he wants to believe her, without any doubt.

So it comes down to this.
They both want the same thing
But it's so hard to let go of the past.

It comes down to this.
Can forgiveness be given...
Will this apology be her last?

The Real Thing

It's a funny word, isn't it? It can mean so very many different things. How we live today, the world gives us so many definitions for love. It tells us love is physical. Find someone beautiful, someone you can be proud of and show off to your friends, that's love. It tells us love is commerical. Wear this cologne or perfume, buy these clothes, have this color hair - people will love you. But what it doesn't tell us is the truth. It doesn't tell us that real love is neither commercial or physical, not at all. Real love isn't about how gorgeous someone is, the type of clothes they wear, what others think. Real love isn't even about the attraction you feel to someone. Real love is so much beyond that. It is commitment, caring, and more than anything - forgiveness. Love knows no boundaries, love is gentle, kind and caring. True love is the kind that no matter how bad you mess up, the one who loves you will always be there waiting for you with open arms. That's what true love is really about - second chances, neverending forgiveness and if you find that, hold onto it.