Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Sometimes things in our life don't go exactly as planned. Sometimes we screw things up, and then afterwards, mope around wishing things could be the same, that we could erase all our mistakes. But we can't turn back the clock. All we can do is learn from our mistakes. Regret them as we may, that is all they remain, and will forever remain - mistakes. Things you've done that you can't change, things that generally impact some area of your life, be it big or small. But you see, that's what life is all about - living through our mistakes. Crying, complaining, wishing we could turn back time, and finally coming to the realization that life goes on. Through heartbreak, tears, through everything...and without stopping to let us pick up our brokeness...it goes on. Our mistakes are the cracks in the broken road of our life. How we get through those cracks, well, that's the paving crew. The road may not be perfect, but without the cracks, it wouldn't be the same. And after all, someone needs to give that paving crew a job. So here's to living life with mistakes, learning from them, and getting back up when you fall down. Life may not offer second chances to turn back time, but it does offer a second chance to live through what time you still have. Better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all, and better to make mistakes and learn from them instead of never moving on from them. So here's to mistakes - the big, the bad, the ugly. Life goes on. Better to fall and still finish the race, then to sit at the sidelines and nurse your neverending wounds. Better to get up and learn from your mistakes. Here's to second chances.

Thanks to the two people who helped me realize that...