Friday, October 21, 2005

Why did I let you go...

"You lost your chance."
This is what I hear.
From everyone who knows about you.
"You know, he's moved on."
Is all they say.
I'm starting to believe that it's true.
So all these tears.
That I have cried for you.
I guess they all add up to nothing.
I mean, it's over right?
Why try to look back?
Everyone says I should move on with my life.

Yet...I don't want to.
I stand here and refuse.
I won't let you go, not again.
Sure, you don't love me now.
But maybe someday you will...
I guess I'll try to live for that chance.
Everyday I see you, I smile a little
Yes, my heart still starts to pound
Everytime I'm without you
I fall apart just a little
Without you I'm always alone

I heard somewhere that you never know
How much you love someone till you lose them
I never could have imagined
How that would ring true
Until I realized that you were gone.
And just like that, all this love that I felt
Took me away in a storm
You never know...
I guess I never really did.
But now, I know that I do.
I know how much I loved, and how much I lost.
I know how much I really need you.

Prisoner of the Night

She comes through the door
The silence is accusing
It screams at her insides, "Where have you been?"
As she throws off her coat and heads up the stairs

She enters her room, and unzips her boots
She turns her face away from the mirror
She knows that she cannot bear to see
The damage of tonight's work load

But she steals a glance, and regrets that she did
For it is much worse than she could have feared
Her make-up is smeared, her hair's all a mess
The scent of sin remains, telling where she's been

There's a run in her hose
As she falls down on her bed
Feeling immensely weak and alone
This queen of the night is someone nobody knows

Oh, they think that they know her
The way she stands and how she talks
As she sells her short skirt and her black knee high boots
They know what she does, they know how she moves

But nobody knows her deep down inside
The person she's fighting to let free
The young woman who says, "Oh God what have I done?"
"Is there any hope left for me?"

The woman who cries when she wakes up in the morning
For fear that last night can't be forgiven
The woman who desperately tries to make ends meet
And finds herself forced to those endless nights again

They judge her, they spit at her, as they drive by her at night
They call her names no woman wants to hear
They pay her, they use her, then they throw her out
And she trudges home alone once more

She wishes everyday for someone who understands
Every ince of pain she undertakes
They can judge her and use her, even abuse her
But God forbid they'd try to learn her name...