Thursday, September 29, 2005


Everytime he fall a little deeper.
Everytime he know he's got you hooked.
You promise yourself that you won't go there...
But before long, it's just like everytime.

You write your name with his on your papers
Your heart skips a beat when he says, "Call me later?"
You tell yourself that this is just so perfect.
But that's what you say everytime...

Everytime you fall in love, you think it is forever.
Your friends warn he'll hurt you, you say "never..."
you think nothing can go wrong...

Soon you cry when you don't see him smile
Or when you see him laugh with someone else
You promise yourself he won't go there...
But then he says, "lets just be friends..."

You cross out his name with yours in all your books.
You take his number off your phone.
You cry and swear you'll never move on.
Even if it means living alone...

Everytime your heart breaks, you swear it'll never mend.
You fall apart when you realize this is the end...
You think that your tears won't stop falling.

And then everytime he smiles, you fall a little deeper...
Everytime he laughs...he's slowly got you hooked
You promise yourself you won't go there again...
But before long, it's just like everytime...