Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Probably Wouldn't Be This Way...

You know those people, who come into your life and leave a lasting impression on you? "Footprints", so to speak, on your heart...whether you want to remember them or not, you still do. Because they impacted you in such a way that it cannot be forgotten, no matter what you do to try and forget. Sometimes these people stay in your life. Sometimes they walk away. And sometimes they are taken from you, just at the point where you need them the most. Sometimes our mistakes take them away from us...whatever the reason they leave, they do...but that doesn't mean we forget. What we have to remember from the experiences is what they taught us. It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved, and better to live and learn than to have never learned.

You came and you left
In the blink of an eye
Our time together was so short
You'd never guess from how much I cried

Everything you said to me
It seems so unreal
'Cause when it all ended
I wished that I couldn't feel

All the pain I felt inside
How could this be right
When I'd hurt you more than ever
More than any other night

Maybe if I hadn't known you
Maybe if we hadn't ever met
I wouldn't feel this pain inside
But I just can't forget

All the things I learned from you
All the things you taught me
They don't fade away
Even when you and I are free

At first seemed strange to move on
When so much is in the past
Yet the time I have now is a gift
Maybe I understand at last

Everything I learned from you
I still remember today
Even if we never speak
Even after you've gone away

Now and then when I remember
I realize what I put you through
I think of the pain, I think of the lies
But I also think of what I learned from you

To love like there's no tommorow
To always speak my mind
I think if you looked at me now
I know that you would find

There's no pain inside me now
No sad thoughts when i think of you
I just smile and remember a time
When you thought of me too...

Who will you be?

Was thinking the other day
About when this life comes to an end
When will that be...and who will I be then

Will I still be the girl
Who didn't always speak her mind
Who couldn't say what she felt
Deep down inside

Maybe this life
Is just a test run
For something much better
A time for us to have fun?

I don't think it's about
All the people you date
How cool you were in high school
And who you could afford to hate

It's about who you changed
Who will remember you?
Not for how you looked or dressed
But for when to yourself you were true

It's about who you loved
With everything you posessed
It's about whose curses you ignored
And by doing so, who you blessed

It's all about the way you cared
For everyone and everything
It's about forgetting your hurt
When you're broken, you still sing

So as I was thinking
I realized who I want to be
Someone whose always remembered
For never compromising "me".