Sunday, July 10, 2005

..Future Broadway Stars in a Raspberry Bush..

Now I know that from looking at us, me and Joey may not look like broadway musicians. But, my dear friends, you are greatly mistaken. Because that is truly what we are! We may hide in the typical drop dead gorgeous shell of ours, but underneath that beauty, we have talent! Now I'm sure some of you may be rather confused by this, and before you go writing me off for professional help...hear me out!

Okay. So me and Jo had just finished some hardcore baseball playing. We get home, and my parents ask us to do, what else, but pick the raspberries. Talk about degrading! We give up our whole day and work our asses of playing baseball, which, for Jo, is tough stuff, and now we have to pick raspberries! I knew that my family was on the wrong side of the tracks when everyone else was getting servants and they decided that who needs hired help when you have two teenagers at your beckoning call, with the simple snap of fingers and threats to never see the light of day again? As you can probably tell, me and Jo opted for picking the red fruits of hell, as we found out. So we went outside and began the long and painstaking job. Berry here, berry there, avoid the slug that's trying to crawl on your get the picture. Now for some reason, Jo was in one of her...well...moods, shall we say. Meaning she is more random then anything that has ever walked and will walk this entire earth, and she has the ability to make me laugh past the point of no return (I swear that's how I'm gonna die!). So she began to tell me of her dreams to become a broadway musician someday, and did not hesitate to share with me her..uh..talent. Now I'm not quite sure what got into me, but within less then 5 minutes, we were performing a duet about snails on rasberry bushes, and somehow relating it to a very gruesome horror movie, saying we were going to make a sequel to "Saw", and not JUST a sequel, a snail musical extravaganza! Incredible, is it not, the affect that being tired has on me and Jo. I'm not quite sure what we were thinking, the only thing I am very sure of is for the twenty or so minutes we graced the outside world with our singing abilities, my poor neighbours with our singing talents.