Saturday, August 27, 2005

When Everything Changes

I thought I knew
What there was to know
Thought I was so unbreakable

I thought I had felt
All I ever would feel
That I was solid and stable

I thought I wanted
The things that I knew
The things that would be the safe choice

Then you looked at me
So unsafe and yet perfect
And suddenly I lost my voice

Everything inside me
Screamed out not to take
The risk that I knew that you were

And yet despite all my instincts
The knowledge of what this would break
The safe choice was suddenly a blur

Safety and security
Only go so far
They don't give you the thrill and the chance

Trying to fight it
But when I'd stop to think
My thoughts disappeared with your glance

How can something so unlikely
Become something so consuming
Weakening me when I thought I couldn't be

How can just a moment
Just a slight twist of fate
Change all that made sense to me

I don't know how
And not even why
Since you were my only "never"

Don't know why it happens
Just know how it feels
Wanting to stay in that moment forever

Choices of the past

You looked at me
Into my eyes
That returned your sadness with ice

You turned to me
"Please change your mind"
As I looked away and walked out the door

You fought with me
For me to think through
What I was about to destroy

But it was too late
Had already begun
My decision had taken its toll

You don't feel alone
Until you've lost
What you never should have had

Desperate apologies, all one
To regain what was mine
What I now wanted so bad

Choices I made
So heartless and cold
As if I never learned how to feel

What more can I say?
They make us and break us
They tell us what we felt was real